How High Heels Make You More Attractive
High heels have a long history in women’s fashion and have been boosting women’s overall attractiveness for many years. Shoes that were originally designed to be used by cowboys ended up becoming a staple for women’s shoe design. Fashion designers for women picked up on the fact that high heels could improve a woman’s physique instantly just by wearing them and slowly integrated them into women’s fashion as a fashionable trend. Why do they they make women look more attractive?
Mainly because they accentuate the women’s physique by pushing the more sexually attractive body parts up and out and emphasizing them more when walking. I’m sure you might be able to guess those body parts and there might be a few you weren’t expecting. We are going to go through and cover each aspect so everything will make sense in the end. We’ll start from the bottom of the body and move up, just like the movies. Shoe junkies and fetish nerds take note, they’ll be plenty of sexy talk ahead.

High Heel History
Let’s get into some history before we go into the details of why different body parts look sexier with heels on. Since the first century, high heeled shoes were used by the Persians to ride their horses while fighting in battle. For centuries, owning horses was sign of privilege and status so naturally, wearing heels meant you owned horses and were someone of stature.
This was then adopted into European culture and fashion by men of power. The same reasons women today wear heels were the same reasons high powered men in the 17th century wore them – to show off their strong physical appearance. Rulers of this time were especially keen on wearing heels to indicate power over others.
Men used them first to show off their strong physical appearance
It wasn’t until the 18th century when the shoes were made for the other foot. It became increasingly more common for women to include heels in their fashion and for men to find it more attractive on them as well. As time progressed, you will also see the heels get taller to emphasize more of the woman’s physique. That leads us to where we are today where high heels are a staple symbol in female sexuality.
Smaller Feet in High Heels
Starting with the feet, women generally want to be feel small because a smaller woman is petite and petite woman is a feminine women. No woman wants to be bigger than their man. The last thing I want people to think is that my feet are huge.
With standing on my toes, part of my feet are flat and the other parts are angled upwards. This gives the illusion that my feet are not as big as they would be if I my feet were completely flat. Instant smaller feet.
Small = petite. Petite = feminine. Instant feminine feet.

High Heels Portray Strong Looking Calves

Moving up on the body, the next area to directly get a sexy boost from high heels are the calves. Standing on your toes uses your calves to raise the heels of your feet. What this will do is force your calves to tense or contract in turn accentuating your calf muscles to make them look bigger and stronger. This is not a bad thing.
People might wonder why this is a desirable trait. Our legs are used to move around with. Well developed legs generally mean you are athletic which also means you are not lazy which is always an attractive trait. Especially since calves are used to propel us forward or upwards, calves play a pretty pivotal role in in sports and fitness. So, well developed legs would also indicate good health. A nice set of well rounded shapely calves will set you apart from other women. Keep on those calf raises girls.
Higher the Heel, the Longer the Legs
Yes the calves are part of the legs but they are supposed to add to the complete flow of how your legs are supposed to look in a nice pair of heels. With your calf muscles tensed and your heels up, your feet get higher and you calves make the illusion that your legs are much longer than they really are. Long legs can fool ones into thinking that you are also longer and thus leaner than you really are. Just another advantage high heels give you.
Butt Lifted with High Heels
On to everyone’s favorite – the instant butt lift. A nice rounded butt is usually every girl’s desired look. Heck, many women are even getting butt injections to get that luscious rounded back side. That might not be my thing but with the addition of high heels to your attire, your butt can get a natural lift just by putting them on.
As your heels go up and you calves are flexed, this naturally makes your glute muscles clench. Along with correct posture this would will make your butt stick out.

Posture of Confidence
Since high heels basically make you stand on your toes to walk, your body has to make up balance. It does this by forcing yourself to stand up right. You would generally fall over if your posture wasn’t pristine.
Good posture is sexy because it exudes confidence. No one likes anyone who looks like they are down in the dumps. Since high heels almost force you to have great posture, you always seem confident wearing high heeled shoes. Usually the higher the heel, the more upright you present yourself and the more confident you look.
Heels Promote a Prominent Chest
As you upper body naturally stands upright because of your forced posture, so does your chest. Just as Superman sticks out his chest while fighting crime, Supergirl does it better in high heels making her chest way more prominent in more ways than one. With the right pair of heels accompanied with a good pushup bra, you can easily give everyone the illusion your girls are 1 or 2 cup sizes bigger than what they really are.
High heels can easily boost your sexy look almost instantly. Now with saying all this, don’t think you can just put these shoes on and you’ll automatically be the sexiest person in the room. High heels take plenty of practice to walk in. Either you have it or you don’t. You could end up looking silly rather than sexy if you’re not up to par wearing and walking in them correctly.
Since most high heeled shoes are worn during special times, they can be added to any outfit to make that outfit a bit classier. In turn, 99% of the time, high heels are almost appropriate for any social situation.
If you are looking for a pair sexy heels, I have you covered. Check out the Shoes section for lists of my best choices. I hope you enjoyed this educational lesson on high heels. Stay tuned for more articles on everything sexy. Remember, it’s the little things in life.